ICTs & Online Recipes

I always enjoy baking or making dessert.

Baking has never been so easy with the help of ICT resources such as Internet webpages and also YouTube videos!

You could just search for easy and the recipes of your preference online rather than purchasing a recipe books from bookstore. I personally think that online recipes are very convenient because the choices of recipe books from the bookstore are usually limited, expensive and lack of variety. Furthermore, you might just need a page of the recipe book instead of the whole book! So, you can actually save up a lot here by searching for recipes online!

Through Internet, you would be able to search for any type of recipe you crave or wanted to try out with just few clicks! The recipes that can be found are ranges from amateur and to expert –So it is very flexible! :) Also, there are a variety of creative recipes online with feedbacks from people all around the world on the recipe –So you can actually read up comments and feedbacks about the reviewers on the recipe! Other than that, YouTube videos are also very helpful in baking. There are a lot of videos in YouTube that shows and explains about baking hacks and also baking procedures to clarify your understanding!


These are two of my favorite sites that I referred a lot when I bake:

Do have a look! They are amazing!

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